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Chair - Hanging Porch Swing VS Glider: Which Is Right For You?

Hanging Porch Swing VS Glider: Which Is Right For You?

You take one look at your outdoor space and notice that it is missing something. You can’t figure it out, but you know deep down your patio needs an appeal and comfort boost. You think long and hard about it, and then it suddenly hits you: Your patio needs a swing!

But as you make the move to buy a porch swing, one of your folks tells you “Don’t you think we need a glider instead?”

If you’re yet to decide which outdoor furniture between a porch glider and swing should make an appearance on your patio, you’ve come to the right blog. We are going to be exploring both of them, and stating their relevance before you decide on what to buy. 

What are their functions?

Porch gliders are a type of outdoor rocking chair that moves back and forth. Unlike typical rocking chairs, gliders move horizontally and stay put on the ground while it moves. Gliders are available in bench sizes to accommodate more than one person. They can also be added as an exotic indoor chair, too if the upholstery is plush. 

Swings, on the hand, is typical outdoor furniture, hung to a ceiling or overhead beam. While gliders move horizontally, swings move vertically while swinging forward and backward. More popular then gliders, swings are a brilliant addition to an outdoor living space. 

Swings are also available in different sizes, colors, and material types. 

Comparing their advantages

  1. Gliders sit on a stable base; it means it won’t mark your floor, whether it is wooden or tiled. This is the reason why most homeowners do not purchase a rocking chair as it would litter their floor with marks. With a glider, you’re not going to experience that. 

With swings, you don’t have to bother with floor marks, as they are suspended from the from the ground.

  1. Gliders produce a motion that is smoother than the traditional rocking chair. If you've got a baby you need to rock, a glider is your best bet. They’re easier to set up and do not experience rust due to corrosion. Plus, you can use them on locations without roofs. 

Swings move vertically while swinging back and forth. Their movement is also smooth. Due to constant exposure to the elements, swing chains (if that’s what you’re going for) might experience rusting. It is important to note that without a roof or overhead beam, it is quite impossible to set up swings. 


  1. Gliders can also be used as a luxury indoor seating option. Plus, you can customize it to suit your personal taste. You can opt to infuse cup holders if you want. 

Swings, on the other hand, are outdoor furniture. You cannot use them indoors. 

  1. Also, gliders do not take up much space. Gliders typically have a fixed and predetermined movement, so you can place them anywhere. 

For swings, you need to create enough space for the forward and backward movement. 

There you have it. You should consider these factors before making the move to buy either porch swing or glider for your outdoor space. 

#SwingVsGlider #PorchGlider #PorchSwing #RockingChair #UniqueGliders #PatioSwing #Summer2020 #SummerHomes #PorchSwingChair

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